This video will show you the right and proper safety gear for kayaking. Kayak safety gear is one of the most important aspect of kayaking. The most important kayak safety gear is the life jacket. It should be short torso so you can move freely and it does not rise up. Make sure that all the straps are tighten when you wear it. The next important kayak safety gear is a whistle. You will use it when you are in trouble or in emergency. Blow it once to catch attention and 3 times during emergency. Blowing the whistle 3 times is the accepted international sign of distress. The first aid kit is likewise an important kayak safety gear. It should include an energy bar, and water tablet and should be placed in a dry bag with other personal valuables. A tow line is also a kayak safety gear that you should bring along when kayaking. It should be worn around the waist for quick access. One should also bring along a paddle float which is needed in case the boat capsized. Also a paddle leash which keeps the paddle attach to the boat . Lastly, a paddle stirrup which is used to climb back to the boat in rescue situation.
Kayaking & Rafting How to Prepare the right safety gear for kayaking

By dav1224
Mar 19, 2010 09:25 PM

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